The new technologies and computer systems of the 2020’s –
Will we pass the Turing Test?
By Charles Moster, Esq.
Founder/Moster Law Firm
The 2020s will see a rapid transformation of new computer and software technology which will fundamentally change the way we do business in the 21st Century. This massive shift in technology has been predicted by computer scientists and visionaries like Ray Kurzweil in his fascinating book, The Spiritual Age of Machines, and in my own works, Teilhard’s Arrow – A New Theory of Everything and Midnight at Mount Vernon – the Cyber-Surrender of the United States of America.
We all know that computer capacity has increased at almost exponential rates as predicted by Moore’s Law. Finally, with the advent of new computer programs and fledgling software based on quantum and even “wetware” technologies, our intelligent systems are beginning to approximate human-level intelligence. That said, will these systems ultimately pass the Turing Test as exemplified by such wonderful movies as Ex Machina and Her? My answer is an unqualified, “Yes!”.
I have worked as an attorney in the IP protection of these systems and the startup of new technology companies. I am also a Co-Founder of a Texas company that is attempting to create the world’s first interactive computer capable of passing the Turing Test. Although we are definitely on the verge of passing the Turing Test, the first applications will not be as elaborate or “dramatic” as the flirtatious and toxic AI systems otherwise known as Ava and Samantha in the previous films above cited.
My prediction is that we will see and experience the replacement of entire human sectors of our economy over the next ten years with the first onslaught in the area of customer service. Employees in this sector occupy entry-level positions in many of the largest corporations in America and field a myriad of functions from answering the phone, responding the customer inquiries, and compiling/processing information. Critically, they reflect the” brand” of the companies they work for in an attempt (not always successful) to convey competence, customer service, and caring.
As any employer is keenly aware, a poorly placed or trained customer service representative can kill a business by repelling existing and new clients. Employee retention is extremely difficult and attrition a constant challenge. The new AI systems will replace this entire sector of the economy in short order.
I am proud that many of these new technologies are being spawned in the TexaPlex, a huge sector of innovation that extends from Austin to San Antonio and on up to Houston and Dallas. As I type away, new companies are emerging to develop these systems and bring them to market.
The Moster Law Firm Dallas & TexaPlex is uniquely positioned to provide integrated legal and business services to emerging companies and startups in Dallas, Houston, Austin, and the TexaPlex. Our forte is to launch new technology businesses and provide the sophisticated legal services our clients demand including corporate, intellectual property, and employment.
Our first order of business is protecting the IP of our founders and inventors through our patent, copyright, and other legal services designed to prevent the theft or misappropriation of new technologies. This is usually a critical and immediate issue for our clients who are concerned that competitors or even employees within their own companies might abscond with the family’s IP jewels. We have various rapid solutions to offer in that regard.
Additionally, we stand ready to safeguard the ownership and financial interests of our clients who require seasoned and vigilant guidance during the early stage operations of their technology companies. A poorly constructed partnership agreement or inability to protect ownership and control within the context of venture capital infusion can derail new ventures before they launch or shortly thereafter. An often-overlooked element is the implementation of employee agreements necessary to protect trade secrets from inception. The Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act, passed a few years back by our legislature, offers an array of IP protections and new safeguards for our clients.
Critically, these new companies also require counsel and advice on how to bring their products and services to market including distribution and licensing regimes and agreements. We stand ready to assist.
At Moster Law Dallas & TexaPlex we are excited about the future which is being forged every day by our technology clients in a myriad of industries including medical, energy, financial, insurance, retail, and services.
Feel free to give us a call to discuss your new technologies and critically, your dreams of the future. Visit us at our unique Turing Technology Group ™ to find out more.