The Paine Pill – The Prescription for a New America – was inspired by Thomas Paine’s Advocacy Pamphlet, Common Sense, which motivated people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for their independence from England in the summer of 1776. True to the spirit of Thomas Paine’s writings, this work seeks to declare the independence of the 50 States of our Union from the Tyranny of the Federal Deficit and impending bankruptcy of our great nation.
Chapter 1 – Welcome Aboard
In the first hundred days of his new administration, Franklin Delano Roosevelt proposed and secured passage of massive legislation which fundamentally reconfigured the relationship between the Federal Government, states, and its citizens. The so-called alphabet soup of new programs and agencies changed the socio-political and economic landscape overnight and – unfortunately – has become the accepted architecture of government in 2015. Although the underpinning of the “New Deal” had noble intentions, it has passed on to future generation a legacy of unsustainable growth in government, reckless spending, and a debt which continues to expand exponentially. This doctrine of unaccountable spending is unsustainable and will ultimately render our society – the grand democratic experiment of our Founding Fathers – unsustainable as well.